Black holes

A couple days ago I read an article in the national geographic about black holes. Many scientists like Einstein thought nature wouldn’t allow black holes even though his calculations said they could exist. Anyway I will get to the facts, so if the earth was a black hole it would still weigh six sextillion tones(6 with 21 zeroes) but it would only be the size of an eyeball!!!! Also if you were to drop a marshmallow onto a dead star it would be the equivalent to dropping a nuclear bomb, so imagine a fully grown adult jumping on a dead star it would be like 6000 nuclear bombs!!!! In black holes there’s this thing called the event horizon, now if someone went passed the event horizon it would look like you are frozen in time to people outside the event horizon even though your watch is still ticking normally until you feel yourself getting stretched this is called being spaghettified, you get so stretched until it rips your head off. And if you blew up a nuclear bomb every millisecond of the life of the universe you would still fall short of an explosion of the death of a black hole!! This year we will be lucky enough to see are black hole in the Milky Way Saggitarious A* eat a gas cloud called G2!!! Hoped you enjoyed this and thanks for reading😄😃😃😀😀😜😜😜😛


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